WFAEA announces 2012 scholarship winners


WFAEA announces 2012 scholarship winnersWestborough – The Westborough Fine Arts Education Association (WFAEA) is pleased to announce the scholarship winners for fall 2012. In addition to the 57 scholarships, there were eight Dunkin Donut – Marino Organization scholarships awarded. Brian Marino established the scholarships several years ago to recognize students in fine arts. The Marino Organization manages the Dunkin Donuts on Route 9 in Westborough.

The following students were awarded a WFAEA scholarship: Elizabeth Anderson, Melissa Barnes, Kathryn Barrette, Kaelyn Beaudette, Shira Berger, Ethan Borchetta-Platt,Derek Casteel, Abigail Chason, Onyebuchi Chikwendu, Alexander Coggin, Michael Colbert, Cambre Colon, Brendon Crowley, Kiernan Drohan,Joseph Fanning, Alison Fisher, Mara Frumkin, Andrew Gomes, Lyndsie Graham, Laura Hart, Alexander Hayes, William Heffernan, Eugene Jang, Jaemo Kang, Alexander Knapp, Ritika Lahoty, Jason Lamont, Stephanie Leach, Amos Lee, Cailin Li, Terese Lukey, Ashley Markson, Samuel Mayo,Robert Mc Nally Jr, Jonathan Mihaich, Ayako Mikami, Aidan Moffat, Royee Mundelboim, Audra Murphy, Kimberly Orr, Naloti Palma Kaluma, Emma Piscia, Sara Purcell, Fatima Ramzanali, Chloe Reske, Joshua Saari, ALexander Shaldone, Parul Sharma, Lucy Song, Megan Speed,Lydia Stedman, Cormac Sullivan, Sean Thekkeparayil, Linda Wang,David Whalen, Katie White, and Yeonkyu Yang.

The Dunkin Donut – Marino scholarships were awarded to Elliotte Wu, Thera Slayton, Jacob Robins, Rebecca Litwin,Sarah Kalinowski,Allison Henriques, Rebecca Crivello, and Hanna Bjork.

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