Historical Society announces awards and scholarships


Scholarship recipients Bianca Renzoni and Nicholas Wood Quitadamo with   Shrewsbury Historical Society President Erik Larson.
Scholarship recipients Bianca Renzoni and Nicholas Wood Quitadamo with
Shrewsbury Historical Society President Erik Larson.

Shrewsbury – As part of its outreach to the community, the Shrewsbury Historical Society recently presented awards and scholarships to local residents and students.

The Spirit of Shrewsbury History Award is given to a person who shows a record of outstanding, active leadership, service and interest in the history of the town of

Shrewsbury. This year the award is given to the members of the First Congregational Church. Over the past year, the entire congregation has been dedicated to restoring the exterior façade of this historic structure on the town common.

The society also recognizes Shrewsbury residents who have restored their homes as enduring examples of Shrewsbury's historic architecture.

Award recipients representing the Friends of Prospect Park with President Larson.
Award recipients representing the Friends of Prospect Park with President Larson.

This year the Restoration and Preservation Award was presented to the Friends of Prospect Park. This group is a not-for-profit organization composed of citizens interested in establishing and maintaining a passive recreation and garden area in Prospect Park, located on the site of the former Whittall Mansion.

Nicholas Wood Quitadamo was the recipient of the Shrewsbury Historical Society Stephen Porter Scholarship. Porter was a longtime member of the Historical Society and was involved in the historic restoration of District #5 Schoolhouse on the corner of Old Mill Road and West Main Street. Quitadamo is a graduate of St. John's High School and will attend the University of South Carolina.

Award recipients representing the First Congregational Church with President Larson.
Award recipients representing the First Congregational Church with President Larson.

Bianca Renzoni was the recipient of the Jean McDonald Graham Scholarship. Graham was a longtime member of the society and was involved with educating students about local history. Renzoni is a graduate of Shrewsbury High School and will attend the University of Massachusetts.

The Shrewsbury Historical Society was organized in 1898 and incorporated on June 23, 1902, to “keep alive and increase interest in the history of the town of Shrewsbury.” For more information, visit www.shrewsburyhistoricalsociety.org.


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