Special coffee blend ready for Northborough’s 250th anniversary


The 250th Committee Coffee Tasters included (first row, l to r) Amy Graham, Linda Corbin, Virginia Simms George, (second row, l to r) Norm Corbin, David Carlson, Bill Pantazis, Dawn Rand and Dale Rains. (Photo/Fred George)
The 250th Committee Coffee Tasters included (first row, l to r) Amy Graham, Linda Corbin, Virginia Simms George, (second row, l to r) Norm Corbin, David Carlson, Bill Pantazis, Dawn Rand and Dale Rains. (Photo/Fred George)

Northborough – The Northborough 250th Anniversary Committee and friends recently participated in a coffee taste test at Armeno Coffee Roasters, Ltd. Three coffees were sampled and rated on aroma, taste and aftertaste. The winning coffee blend will be called Northborough250 Anniversary and will be sold during Northborough’s Anniversary year in 2016 at Armeno’s.

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