Hudson's annual Balloon Festival this Saturday


During last year's Balloon Festival, Eric Nickerson of Milford, N.H., ascended over the Hudson Elks Pavilion field during the 6 a.m. lift-off. PHOTO/Ed Karvoski Jr.

During last year's Balloon Festival, Eric Nickerson of Milford, N.H., ascended over the Hudson Elks Pavilion field during the 6 a.m. lift-off. PHOTO/Ed Karvoski Jr.

Hudson – The 7th annual Balloon Festival will be held tomorrow, Aug. 13, from 2 to 9 p.m., at the Hudson Elks Pavilion, 99 Park St. This event is co-sponsored by the Hudson Elks and Friends of the Hudson Library.

There will be a 6 a.m. lift-off, then at 7 a.m. a Meet the Pilots Pancake Breakfast. Music, food, games and a children's activity area will be available throughout the day, as well as many one-of-a-kind vendors displaying their crafts. Free parking is available at the Hudson Elks and at Hudson High School, 69 Brigham St.

For more information and a schedule of activities, visit

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