WYFS presents anti-bullying workshop for youth coaches


WYFS presents anti-bullying workshop for youth coachesWestborough – Westborough Youth & Family Services (WYFS) is co-sponsoring a free coaches” workshop, “Developing Respectful Teams,” Wednesday Sept. 21, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., in the Forbes Municipal Building, 45 West Main St.,Westborough.

The workshop will feature Coach Fred Jewett, who runs the Think Respect Project (www.thinkrespectproject.com), an organization that fosters mutual respect and sportsmanship in team sports and school environments. Jewett has coached for over 30 years and is a regular presenter at the MIAA Captains and Coaches Workshops. His track teams have won State Championships and he was named Track Coach of the Year by the Boston Globe and the MSTCA.

“The creation of a successful team needs to be based on respect and sportsmanship not fear, putdowns and exclusion,” Jewett said. “Coaches have to be positive role models.”

The one-evening workshop is designed for anyone who coaches youth sports teams. Jewett will discuss various keys topics, including recognizing the signs of bullying, understanding the difference between competitive aggression and bullying, and constructive ways of dealing with parents and other coaches who exhibit bullying behaviors.

“We will discuss the power of words, how to create a positive team atmosphere and the role of parents,” Jewett said. “The focus of the workshop will be understanding bullying and how to create an atmosphere where respect and unselfish teamwork are the norm.”

Those who are interested in signing up for the workshop should contact WYFS at 1-508-366-3090 or [email protected]. The workshop is sponsored by Partnership for Healthy Pathways, a collaborative program serving the communities of Shrewsbury, Grafton, Southborough, Northborough and Westborough.

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