Ashland – If you like that good old time rock “n” roll, head down to Burnham's Supper House in Ashland Sunday, Sept. 11, for the inaugural Rock Against Diabetes Concert. The outdoor concert, which runs from 2 to 6 p.m., features tribute bands playing the music of Paul McCartney, Elton John, Rod Stewart and Pat Benatar. The show also includes two bands, Billy D and the Rock-Its Doo Wop Show Band and Jukebox 5, playing hits from the “50s and “60s.
Proceeds from the concert will benefit the Diabetes Research Institute (, the only national organization solely devoted to finding a cure for this disease. John Amato, the event organizer, is a Type 2 diabetic who is committed to supporting diabetes research.
“We have family history with this disease,” Amato explained. “My dad was a Type 1 diabetic. I remember when I was a child and saw him faint. It was pretty traumatic, so I's doing what I can to help find a cure.”
Tickets are $30 and can be purchased at the gate on the day of the show, in advance through the event web site at or at Burnham's Supper House, 366 Pleasant St., Ashland. There are three seating options: on the lawn (concert-goers can bring a blanket or chair), at picnic tables or on chairs. The rain date is Sunday, Sept. 18. Music fans who can's attend the concert can still support the cause by buying a Rock Against Diabetes T-shirt for $20. Visit for details.
For further information, visit the Rock Against Diabetes Concert web site or contact John Amato at 1-617-803-7631 or [email protected].