Shrewsbury Social Club plans fall kick-off


Shrewsbury Social Club plans fall kick-offShrewsbury – Members of the Shrewsbury Social Club for Neighbors and Newcomers will launch their fall season with a kick-off dinner and unveiling of the year's activity options. Newcomers are welcome, so bring a friend or two and join the club for a relaxing evening at the Bauhinia Restaurant in Shrewsbury starting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21.

Chairmen of more than a dozen interest groups will describe their activities in ski/golf, book discussion groups, recipe and wine tasting, Bunko and other interest groups. Each month members help the community with a service project. During the Sept. 24 kick-off, donations for Shrewsbury Public Schools will be collected, including dry erase markers, highlighters, glue sticks, pencils, crayons, markers, hand sanitizer, paper towels, and tissues.

The cost to attend is $25 per person and reservations for the Sept. 24 should be made no later than Friday, Sept. 15. Checks, made payable to the Shrewsbury Social Club, can be and mailed to Laura Nordstrom, Treasurer, 32 Brentwood Ave., Shrewsbury, MA 015445. For more information, contact Chris White at 1-508-845-0867.




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