Hudson Fire Department unveils 9/11 memorial


Hudson Fire Department unveils 9/11 memorialHudson – Fire Chief John Blood salutes as the American flag is lowered and folded by firefighters during a dedication ceremony at Hudson Fire Department Headquarters held Sept. 11. In addition to Blood, speakers at the ceremony included State Sen. Jamie Eldridge, D-Acton; State Rep. Kate Hogan, D-Stow; Board of Selectmen Chair James Vereault; Police Chief Richard Braga; and firefighters Judy Rice and Bryan Johannes. Photos/Ed Karvoski Jr.

Hudson Fire Department unveils 9/11 memorial
An American flag covers the memorial prior to its unveiling.
Hudson Fire Department unveils 9/11 memorial
Members of the Fire Department Color Guard stand at attention as guests are invited to individually take a closer look at the memorial and read the plaque.
Hudson Fire Department unveils 9/11 memorial
Nathaniel Wooldridge, 4, gets an early history lesson as he sees a steel beam from one of the towers.
Hudson Fire Department unveils 9/11 memorial
A bronze plaque placed in front of the memorial honors the victims.






































Hudson Fire Department unveils 9/11 memorial
Firefighters and National Guardsmen unveil the World Trade Center (WTC) Steel Memorial during a well-attended dedication ceremony at Hudson Fire Department Headquarters Sept. 11. A 1,300-pound steel beam, acquired through the WTC Artifacts Program, has been placed on two granite stones with a bronze plaque honoring the victims. Materials for the memorial were donated by area businesses, and it was constructed by Hudson firefighters during volunteered time.


Hudson Fire Department unveils 9/11 memorial
Lena Hudson views the memorial from a wheelchair, patriotically decorated with flags and a balloon.
Hudson Fire Department unveils 9/11 memorial
Matthias Tucker, 5, and his brother, Owen, 4, listen to the National Anthem sung by Taylor Peckham, the daughter of firefighter Michael Peckham of Marlborough.
Hudson Fire Department unveils 9/11 memorial
After a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m., the time of the 2001 attack, Lt. Kevin Werner tolls the bell.













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