Shrewsbury fall 2011 yard waste pick-up program


Shrewsbury fall 2011 yard waste pick-up programShrewsbury – The Town of Shrewsbury has announced that fall leaves, grass and brush will be picked up at the curb on the regular rubbish collection day this fall during the following weeks: Oct. 17 to 21, Oct. 31 to Nov. 4, Nov. 14 to 18, and Nov. 28 to Dec. 2.

Yard waste must be in the 30-gallon paper bags and lined up at the curb by 7 a.m. Brush will be picked up if it is no larger than three inches in diameter, cut into four-foot lengths, and securely tied into bundles. Also, residents should note that drop-off of leaves and grass clipping at the Municipal Garage has ended for the season.


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