By Bonnie Adams, Government Editor
Westborough – A site plan review for a new Sikh temple to be built on Flanders Road was unanimously approved by the Board of Selectmen at its Sept. 27 meeting.
Currently the applicants for the project, the New England Sikh Study Circle, (also known as the Milford Gurudwara) are located in Milford. (Gurudwara is the Sikh word for temple or its literal translation, “house of God.”) Although that location is the largest gurudwara in New England, it is in need of more space, members of the group told the selectmen.
Attorney Marshall Gould, representing the group, told the selectmen that the new gurudwara will not just be a temple that serves Westborough worshipers, but one that serves members from all over New England.
Michael Scott, a senior civil engineer from Waterman Designs, said only six of the 37 acres would be developed, with the remaining to be used for passive recreation. The gurudwara itself will be 21,000 square feet and have two floors. The top floor will be the main prayer hall and the bottom level will be a residence for a full-time, live-in pastor. Solar panels will be installed on the rooftop to help alleviate some of the utility costs. There will be designated parking for 127 vehicles and space for additional ones, if needed, Scott said.
Gould said on the busiest days, the temple leaders expect there to be approximately 300 worshipers, although the gurudwara will be able to accommodate up to 400. Services are predominantly Sundays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Worshipers also gather during days when there are services to share a meal, which they prepare on site, he added. Not all members would be arriving or leaving at the same time during the day, he said, so there would not likely be significant traffic issues.
The group also granted an easement to the town, at the request of Town Engineer Carl Balduf, so that emergency personnel would have access to the property from another entrance if needed.
The selectmen approved the site plan review, 5-0, and welcomed the group to Westborough.
The Sikh members present thanked the board and offered an invitation to not only them, but all Westborough residents, to join them at a service and meal once the new gurudwara opens.