Pro Shrewsbury library vote #6


I am writing this letter on behalf of the hundreds of children who visit the Shrewsbury Public Library each week. They do not have the opportunity to vote but would have the opportunity to benefit from your YES vote. I have lived in Shrewsbury my entire life, and I am so proud to call this town my home. When I was a little girl, I frequently visited the library. At that time, the Children's Room was located in the Ward Annex. It was a small space but it was above ground with many windows. I remember enjoying many happy times there.

Now my granddaughter is frequently visiting the library and I am sad to say, the space she sees is not as nice. There is only one area that has natural light entering the windows. Many days the musty smell is so bad that the one door to outdoors must be opened. There are no operable windows. The children's collection is spread out to an adjoining hallway and into the adult nonfiction area. Library staff is forced to come up with creative ways to “fit” the collection into the space provided. The toy area is small. The homework area is almost nonexistent. There is no place for programs and story times. The only option is to walk up two flights of stairs to the large meeting room. I am only speaking of the problems associated with the Children's Room. There are so many more throughout the entire library building.

This is our chance to build a new, beautiful space—our legacy to the future generations of the Town of Shrewsbury. In the new building, the Children's Room will be above ground overlooking the Town Common. There will be ample room for the collection, a welcoming place to play and meet friends, and homework and study areas. A special room for story times, music and movement, and crafts will be located right in the children's area.

Please stop in. Take a look at the Children's Room, as it is now. Then look at the plans for the new facility and see what it can be. I believe you will feel that a YES vote for the library building project is the right choice.

Linda Johnson Dashnaw


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