Natick – Whitney Place Assisted Living Residences will offer a free workshop, “A driving force for the community – more mobility for seniors and the visually impaired,” Monday, Oct. 17. Presented by Jean Patel Bushnell, executive director of ITNGreaterBoston, the workshop will be held in the Community Room at Whitney Place in Natick, 3 Vision Dr. (Route 9 west). The public is welcome to attend.
Most of us take personal transportation for granted – unless and until we don’t have access to it. Learn how ITNGreaterBoston works with families, businesses, healthcare providers and community group to connect seniors and visually impaired people with drivers. Discover the different ways you can contribute to that driving force, expanding their lives (and your own).
Independent Transportation Network (ITN) allows seniors to maintain their independence and their dignity. With safe transportation, older adults remain vital to the economic and social health of their community. Businesses retain their valuable customers and, more importantly, adult children find relief from a daunting and complex problem.
ITN provides rides with door-to-door, arm-through-arm service to thousands of seniors nationwide. It's a truly innovative solution with unique programs that allow older people to trade their cars to pay for rides, and enable volunteer drivers to store transportation credits for their own future transportation needs. ITN's Road Scholarship Program converts volunteer credits into a fund for low-income riders, and the gift certificate program helps adult children support their parents’ transportation needs from across the street or across the nation.
For more information on Whitney Place at Natick, a member of the SALMON Health and Retirement family, call 1-508-655-5000.