Signups being held for Shrewsbury Destination Imagination


Signups being held for Shrewsbury Destination ImaginationShrewsbury – Shrewsbury Destination Imagination is currently accepting registrations for students in the Shrewsbury School District who would like to be part of a creativite, team-building, challenge-solving program.

Students work on challenges that are technical, structural, fine arts, scientific or improvisation. Team members work in groups of five to seven and meet once a week from October through the Destination Imagination Regional Tournament in early March.

Shrewsbury Destination Imagination is currently accepting applications for students on primary teams (grades one and two), elementary (grades three to five5), middle level (grades six through eight-8) and high school level (grades nine through 12).

For more information on Destination Imagination (DI), the state DI website is For more information on being a part of Shrewsbury Destination Imagination, contact Carol or David Geary at 1-508-845-6070 or [email protected].


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