By David Fassler, Community Reporter
Hudson – The Board of Selectmen voiced support at its recent meeting for “School Spirit 2011,” the third annual 5K race/walk that showcases the friendly rivalry between Hudson and Marlborough. The board heard about the plans for this year's event, which will be held Saturday, Nov. 26, from race organizer Jim McKenna.
“We are here to honor the longstanding sports rivalry between Hudson and Marlborough,” McKenna told the board. “What's at stake here is the School Spirit Award trophy.”
The ongoing rivalry between Hudson and Marlborough dates back to the fall of 1906 with the first Hudson-Marlborough football game, McKenna said. When the two teams face off against each other this year on Thanksgiving morning at the Morgan Bowl in Hudson, it will mark the 108th time they have played each other.
“We are here to honor every single coach and athlete who had the privilege to wear a jersey of the [Hudson] Hawks or the [Marlborough] Panthers,” McKenna said.
School Spirit 2011 will start at 10 a.m. Nov. 26. It will begin at the Hudson Elks Lodge, 99 Park St., continue through the Brigham Hills Estates neighborhood and end back at the Elks Lodge.
“The 2.4-mile walk is equal to 12 holes of golf without dragging golf clubs,” McKenna said.
The town with the larger turnout that day will win the School Spirit Award trophy, he explained.
Anticipating McKenna's appearance before the board, Selectman Chris Yates, a resident of the Brigham Hills Estates neighborhood, presented McKenna with 10 completed race applications from Hudson residents.
All proceeds from the $15 entry fee go directly to the Elks Scholarship fund, which awards scholarships to Marlborough and Hudson students. Entry forms are available at