My wish list for Santa…


By Vicki Aubry

Vick Aubry, Realtor, ABR, SRES.

Vick Aubry, Realtor, ABR, SRES.

Dear Santa,

I know it is time to start my Christmas List, so here goes…

My own personal list is very short – not even enough to mention as I am truly grateful for the wonderful family, friends, and coworkers that I have in my life and the great clients I have had through the years. I am grateful for a nice place to live and wonderful neighbors.

However, I know some people who are in need so my wish list is for them…

Wish 1: I wish you could keep the mortgage rates at 4% or even lower if you can manage it. There are buyers that really want to buy homes, but are afraid of the times and for them my wish is the wonderful value they can unwrap for their family.

Wish 2: Some progress has been made since 2007, but I wish you could get mortgage lending back to normal so more will qualify for the great home values out there now. When these folks can buy homes they most likely might be doing some updating, so these buyers will put the unemployed contractors, manufacturers, truckers and others back to work.

Wish 3: My third wish is for the newly re-employed to start to buy the things they have needed, but not been able to buy and begin to save some of their salaries again for a down payment on a house.

Wish 4: My fourth wish is for these buyers to see the value of energy efficient appliances, windows, furnaces, and the benefit of renewable materials, so the planet can start to benefit from these choices and more job creation will take place.

Wish 5: I also wish you could find us more efficient and safe forms of new power right in our own backyards to power these new appliances, so we would not have to be importing all this foreign oil and indeed fighting over it.

Wish 6: I wish that as the need for oil decreases we bring our troops home to work on our own domestic issues, such as disaster relief, repairing our roads and bridges, building new schools for the kids, and the like.

Wish 7: I wish that some of this money and skill would go toward our elders in a new type of environment that would keep them as active and engaged as possible and maintain their dignity throughout all of their days.

Wish 8: My eighth wish is for health care to be affordable for all and for it to be simplified, so that sick people can focus on getting better not navigating the system or being denied care or medicines they need.

Wish 9: I wish that each person has the basic necessities of life – food, clothing and shelter – and that those that are lucky enough to have more than that appreciate it and share it with others less fortunate.

Wish 10: I know I ask for this every year, but this year especially, I wish for peace on earth.

Santa, I know that there is a lot here and it's a big list, but really I'se been a very good girl all year, so I hope you can deliver.

I want to express my sincere thanks to all of my clients I worked with this year and appreciate any referral that could be sent my way for 2012! Just call me at 1-508-868-3625!

Santa, I'sl be waiting with chocolate chip cookies…I still believe!

Stay warm on your journey,


Vicki Aubry can be contacted by mobile at 508-868-3625, voicemail pager at 508-365-4060, e-mail at [email protected] and her web site at

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