The Arts Alliance issues call to artists for the Still Life Exhibit


The Arts Alliance issues call to artists for the Still Life ExhibitRegion – The Arts Alliance would like to invite area artists to exhibit their work in the upcoming Still Life Show. Works in all mediums are welcome to be a part of the six-week display that will be held at Citizens Bank, 17 Pope St., Hudson.

The registration deadline for the Still Life Exhibit is Thursday, Jan. 19 and the form is available at There is a non-refundable entry fee of $15 per piece for non-members or $8 per piece for Arts Alliance members. Artists may exhibit two pieces of art. Artists may join at the time of registration. Mail or deliver the completed form to the Arts Alliance, 155 Apsley St., Hudson, MA 01749.

Artists are asked to deliver their ready to display works of art to the bank Saturday, Jan. 21, from 9 to11 a.m. The exhibit may be viewed from Jan. 23 through March 2 during regular bank hours.

For more information, call 1-978-562-1646.

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