Southborough – Ann Port of Southborough published her first book, “It's All in the Title,” last year, and just released her second book, “The Bernini Quest.” Southborough author Steve Ulfelder published “Purgatory Chasm” last year and will release “The Whole Lie” in May. Tuesday, Jan. 24, at 7 p.m., both authors will speak at the Southborough Library on the craft of writing and how each got to be published authors.
Wednesday, Jan. 25, at 11 a.m., Port will return to the library for a talk about her two books, and how the stories and characters were developed. Both talks will interest readers, writers and aspiring writers in the greater Southborough community.
The talks are free and open to the public and there is no registration required. For more information, stop by Southborough Library, 25 Main St., or call 508-485-5031.