Shrewsbury student works as tutor for Syracuse University program


Shrewsbury student works as tutor for Syracuse University programShrewsbury – Nirmal Devarajan, sophomore finance and advertising major from Shrewsbury, serves as a Balancing the Books tutor.
Balancing the Books is a collaboration between Syracuse University (SU) and the Syracuse City School District, and is a service-learning program geared toward tutoring local middle and high school students in the Syracuse area.
The tutoring program focuses on teaching students about the basics of financial literacy, which includes topics such as interest, credit cards, checks, debt, and the importance of dealing with all of these when they are adults. Most importantly, SU tutors are encouraged to share some of their experiences from secondary school or college life, their plans for the future, or offer advice to teach the students basic life skills and hope for a better and bright future.


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