Harlem Ambassadors encourage Westborough kids to dream


By Bonnie Adams, Government Editor

Harlem Ambassadors encourage Westborough kids to dream

Westborough – Life can sometimes seem hard, unfair and full of challenge after challenge. But no matter what happens, you must keep moving forward, work hard and be true to yourself. That was the message imparted to students at the Sarah W. Gibbons Middle School on March 24 not by their parents or teachers. This time the message came from a group of young adults who themselves have known and overcome adversity to achieve success with the professional basketball team, the Harlem Ambassadors.

The Ambassadors were in town to play a fundraiser March 25 to benefit the Rotary Club of Westborough where they would be playing against a team made up of local residents. But first, thanks to a sponsorship from the YMCA's Boroughs Family Branch, they paid a visit to the Gibbons school to share their inspiring stories.

Led by “Ladè Majic” Prophète, the team's co-founder, head coach and vice president of basketball operations, as well as a player, the team one by one shared their stories with the kids.

Many of the players had grown up in poverty and/or came from broken families, Ladè Majic said. But they had all worked hard in school; in fact it was a requirement, she added, that Ambassadors have college degrees.

It was also required that the players successfully pass a drug test, she noted.

She shared with the students the story of how her dream had been to form a “show” team, where not only would their amazing basketball skills be on display, they could also talk to kids in a fun, non-threatening environment. Many said she wouldn's succeed, she noted, because “all African Americans do drugs.”

Fifteen years later, she and the team are proof, that dreams come true, she said.

“I encourage you to believe in your dreams,” she said. “Believe in yourself, stay in school and stay drug-free. Even if you make mistakes, it's ok. Keep trying.”

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