By Bonnie Adams, Government Editor
Region –Today is Friday, May 4, the 125th day of 2012.
On this day in 1776, Rhode Island because the first of the colonies to renounce its ties to England.
On this day in 1970, four unarmed Kent State University (located in Kent, OH) students were killed and another 11 injured after being shot by Ohio National Guardsmen during a riot at the university. The students were protesting President Richard Nixon's announcement that U.S. troops would be invading Cambodia to destroy North Vietnamese bases located there.
And on this day in 1979, Margaret Thatcher, (aka “The Iron Lady”), the leader of the Conservative Party, is sworn in as Britain's first female prime minister.
Born on this day – iconic actress Audrey Hepburn (1929), *NSYNCY boy bander Lance Bass (1979), and country star Randy Travis (1959).
Here are six tips –
1. Don's forget to come to Westborough this weekend and celebrate the 10th Annual Spring Festival, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Westborough!
2. Sunday, May 13 is Mother's Day. But instead of panicking at the last minute next week, stop at Lowe's Marketplace this weekend and buy a bracelet for her while also helping some kids in need.
3. Northborough's Annual Town Election is on Monday, May 14. You can meet the candidates at a forum on Monday, May 7.
And you can read about their positions on a number of issues here –
4. The Marlborough Public Library will be hosting children's author Lenore Look on Monday, May 7. Space is limited so call Children's Room at 508-624-6902 or stop by the library to register.
5. The Shrewsbury Art Guild will be holding its last meeting of the season on Monday, May 7. Come have your work critiqued, and meet a website designer who works with artists who want to market their work.
6. Congratulations to Southborough student Meghan Holmes, who just created a mural that will be displayed at the Mary Finn Elementary School.