Letter to the Editor re: Northborough Annual Town Election


Letter to the Editor re: Northborough Annual Town ElectionTo the Editor:

Is it time for a change of the guard this May 14 election?

To the Northborough Residents that attended Town Meeting and to those that didn's. Your town warrant was approved overwhelmingly this year if you hadn's noticed. Your tax increase will be at least $150 + again this year. We accumulated over $6 m in new revenue and spent every bit and more to satisfy the needs of greed. This increase in revenue is 12% over 2012 and not one penny was used to help reduce the taxes. Monies were transferred from over budgeted departments to free cash and budgeted items that were not expended over the last 15 years were repurposed for other frivolous items. We removed $33,000 from cemetery funds to free cash and approved $5,000 from CPA funds to do a study of 2 colonial burial grounds. Does this make sense? I could continue on, but I am sure you get the message. Please think hard and long about where your town is headed.
John Fouracre

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