Marlborough – The Marlborough Educators Association (MEA) released this statement earlier today:
Marlborough teachers took a vote of no confidence in Superintendent of Schools Anthony Pope on Thursday, May 17 at a meeting held at the Masonic Hall.
Prior to the vote, which passed by a unanimous vote, the members of the Marlborough Educators Association reviewed a list of the superintendent's deficiencies. They include:
- Disregard for the welfare of the students of the Marlborough Public Schools.
- Unprofessional behavior exhibited by the superintendent that has had a demoralizing effect on the entire school community.
Lack of ELL, special education and Title 1 services for students throughout the Marlborough Public Schools. The MEA also noted that more special education professionals are needed.
The MEA resolution states that Dr. Pope's “actions are not in the best interest of our students, ” and that there is fear that “they will have a negative rippling effect on student success and achievement.”
“Although the superintendent is aware of these deficiencies, he has not addressed them in the 2011-2012 school year,” said MEA President Brendan St. George. “His actions are not in the best interest of our students. We fear that they will have a negative rippling effect on student success and achievement in the district for years to come.”
According to St. George, the vote of no confidence means that the teachers do not believe that Dr. Pope has the ability or willingness to make the changes necessary to become an effective leader.
In April, the members of the MEA Executive Board sent a letter to Pope outlining their concerns and requested a meeting with him to discuss remedies. The letter, however, went unanswered and Marlborough educators made the decision to vote on whether they had confidence in Pope's ability to lead the students, faculty and staff in a positive direction.
“Teachers expressed feelings of distrust and intimidation, and are absolutely fearful of retaliation by you, the instructional leader of the Marlborough Public Schools,” the April 4 letter to Pope stated.