AVRTHS juniors pass CNA exam


The junior class at Assabet Valley was recently honored at a pinning ceremony as they earned their Certified Nursing Assistant certifications. Photo/Submitted

The junior class at Assabet Valley was recently honored at a pinning ceremony as they earned their Certified Nursing Assistant certifications. Photo/Submitted

Region – For the seventh year in a row, the juniors in the Health Technologies program at Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School had a 100 percent passing rate on the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) exam. The juniors were honored at a pinning ceremony in the school auditorium, including a continental breakfast for them and their families immediately following the ceremony.

The students are Marissa Monteiro, Berlin; Rebecca Cordeiro, Boylston; Glenda Maldonado, Andrew Morin, Taylor Rondeau, and Claritza Taylor, all of Clinton; Brenda Andrade, Kerrie Butcher, Ashley Peck, and Tracey Tavares, all of Hudson; Selina Burgos, Christopher Caissie, Daniela DeAndrade, Christian Lopez, Brittany Lutz, and Alejandro Martinez, all of Marlborough; Morgan Parmenter and Natalie Perez, both from Maynard; Nicole Chaulk, Shrewsbury; Brenna Boucher and Jessica Chouinard, both from Westborough; and Rebecca Pasquale, West Boylston.

The junior class at Assabet Valley with their instructors, Karen Sherman, Kathy Regan, Mary Miller and Laura Snyder, after their recent pinning ceremony as they earned their Certified Nursing Assistant certifications. Photo/Submitted

The junior class at Assabet Valley with their instructors, Karen Sherman, Kathy Regan, Mary Miller and Laura Snyder, after their recent pinning ceremony as they earned their Certified Nursing Assistant certifications. Photo/Submitted

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