Shrewsbury – Scout Pack 62's annual Blue and Gold Ceremony was held at Floral Street School. All 11 Webelos 2 Scouts earned Cub Scout's highest award, the Arrow of Light, one of two Cub Scout Badges – in addition to the Religious Emblem – that may be worn on the Boy Scout uniform.
The Arrow of Light accomplishment involved 18 months of activities including: meeting with the chair of the Board of Selectmen and attending a Town Hall meeting; working on a service project (with Lt. Gov. Tim Murray officiating the event); learning and demonstrating CPR and First Aid; completing a portion of the “Artist Achievement” at the Worcester Art Museum; participating in outdoor events, including conservation efforts, taking a three-mile hike to Mt. Pisgah, and hiking through Purgatory Chasm, and identifying poisonous plants and geological features; visiting a scientist's WPI lab; interviewing an electrical engineer; learning to explain Bernoulli's principle, Pascal's law, and Newton's first law of motion, then leading science stations for 50 younger Scouts; completing weekly home assignments, as well as after-school meetings at the den leader's house; and practicing public speaking and leadership skills during pack meetings and flag ceremonies.
The boys graduated from Cub Scouts and joined the Boy Scouts, forming their own patrol within Boy Scout Pack 158, which meets at St. Mary's Church in Shrewsbury. All boys are fifth-graders at Sherwood Middle School.