Blessing of the Bikes at First Federated Church in Hudson


Blessing of the Bikes at First Federated Church in HudsonHudson – On Sunday, June 10, at 11:30 a.m., First Federated Church in Hudson will hold its 9th annual Blessing of the Bikes. All in the community are welcome to bring their motorcycles, bikes, and trikes to this brief outdoor ceremony to receive God's blessing as well as prayers for safety and God's protection for the riders.? The ceremony will be followed by a free cookout in the church parking lot.

First Federated Church is located at 200 Central St., 1 mile from I-495 and 1 mile from the center of Hudson. A Google map and directions are posted on the church website.

First Federated Church is a community church and a federation of the American Baptist (ABC) and Congregational (UCC) churches of Hudson. To learn more, visit the church website at or call the church office at 978-562-9207.

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