Hudson – First Federated Church in Hudson will be offering its women's “Reel Fun” Movie Fest on Friday evenings at 7:15 p. m. during the month of July. Women of all ages are warmly invited to join in for movies, popcorn, discussion, and fellowship.
The movie schedule is Fried Green Tomatoes (Who are we anyway?) Friday, July 6; Enchanted April (What is romance and how do we find it?) Friday, July 13; and The Hiding Place (How do we keep our faith in the midst of suffering?) July 20. A discussion of summer movies will conclude the movie fest Friday, July 27.
First Federated Church is located at 200 Central St., 1 mile from I-495 and 1 mile from the center of Hudson. A Google map and directions are posted on the church website. To learn more, visit the church web site at or call the church office at 978-562-9207.