Actors to teach improv techniques at the Marlborough Public Library


Actors to teach improv techniques at the Marlborough Public LibraryMarlborough – Teens are invited to attend an improv class taught by Skyrise Theater. There will be two sessions: Varsity session Tuesday, July 31, from 3 to 4 p.m., for students in grades 9 to 12 and Junior Varsity (JV) session Wednesday, Aug. 1, from 3 to 4 p.m., for students in grades 6 to 8. The classes will take place in the Bigelow Auditorium at the Marlborough Public Library. Registration is required, and space is limited.

Students who attend the JV session will learn how to create scenes and characters through improvisation, games, and interaction with one another. Those who attend the Varsity session will learn advanced improv games and different theater style techniques used by professionals today. Teens in both sessions will learn how to think on their feet and be exposed to multiple perspectives on one situation. Teens may sign up now, but please note that the week before the event, they must confirm they are coming by Friday, July 27, or they may lose their spot to someone on the waitlist.

Skyrise Theater is a traveling theater company based out of Southborough that brings their workshops and creativity anywhere in the New England area. Their enthusiasm for the arts is the perfect addition to the library's Teen Summer Reading Program, “Own the Night.” The program encourages passion for reading, writing and all things creative.

For more information about the improv event or Own the Night, contact Jess Bacon, Teen Librarian, at [email protected].

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