New England Amputee Association meets Sept. 11


New England Amputee Association meets Sept. 11
Susan Amesbury Stone, M.S., LAc., EEM-AP. Photo/Submitted

Clinton – The New England Amputee Association will meet Tuesday, Sept. 11, starting at 6 p.m., at Clinton Hospital, 201 Highland St., Clinton.? The guest speaker is Susan Amesbury Stone, M.S., LAc., EEM-AP, of Stone Health Center. ?Join the group for a very informative evening.

Stone has a Master's degree in Acupuncture, a BS in Nutrition and Dietetics, is a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner, Energy Medicine for Women Authorized Instructor, and is a current Faculty member of Donna Eden's Energy Medicine Certification Program in Phoenix. In addition, she is a Polarity Therapist, an Acutonics Practitioner, a Bach Flower Registered Practitioner, and has also trained in Nutrition Response Testing, Soul Journey Therapy and Color Therapy.

The meeting is free and open to all amputees, their families, caregivers, and health professionals. For more information, call 978-365-2580 or visit

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