Shrewsbury Public Library presents local author on Alzheimer's caretaking


Shrewsbury Public Library presents local author on Alzheimer's caretakingShrewsbury – Phil Gilman McGourty, now living in Shrewsbury, spent 15 years taking care of her husband, Larry, as he battled with Alzheimer's disease.? She has recently penned a poignant memoir of this experience titled, “Two Yellow Slickers.”

In the book, she tells about her roller-coaster experience coping with her husband Larry's gradual mental deterioration.? She speaks from the heart as well as from the head – an inspiration and encouragement for others facing similar battles. Her book recounting this journey is written not just for nurses and physicians, but for fellow caregivers – with empathy, courage, humor and heartfelt prayerfulness.

Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 7:30 p.m., McGourty will read excerpts from her book and share anecdotes and insights gleaned from her experience.? She will have copies of her book available for purchase at this event, which is open to anyone interested in the topic.

Call the Shrewsbury Public Library at 508-841-8531 for more details about this free event.

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