BIA-MA announces fall 2012 workshops


BIA-MA announces fall 2012 workshopsRegion – The Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts (BIA-MA) will BE holdING a series of fall workshops, open to survivors of brain injury, family members, and the general public.

Workshops include:

? How to Communicate with Your Loved One, to be held Oct. 18, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., at Best Western Royal Plaza in Marlborough. This workshop is geared toward brain injury survivors and family members, and will give a basic understanding of how brain injury affects communication skills and will provide practical solutions to everyday communication issues. Cost is $5 for survivors and $10 for family members/caregivers

? Reducing the Risk: A Hands-On Approach to Falls Prevention, to be held Oct. 23, from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at the Northborough Senior Center, 119 Bearfoot Rd., and Oct. 25, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., at the Westborough Senior Center, 4 Rogers Rd. The audience for this workshop is the general public. Participants will be taught how to build strength in their lower extremities and core muscle groups to reduce the risk of falls through strength training and education. Cost is $3 for all participants.

? How You Are SMART: Using Your Strengths to Navigate Life After Brain Injury, to be held Nov. 7, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the BIA-MA office in Westborough. This workshop is geared toward brain injury survivors, and will help survivors determine their current learning style and how to apply their strengths to promote continued healing and rehabilitation after a brain injury. Cost is $5 for survivors.

“We are pleased to announce these learning opportunities that will educate and empower survivors and their family members, and provide valuable prevention education for the general public,” said Nicole Godaire, BIA-MA's Assistant Executive Director and Manager of Education.

For more information about workshops and their locations, call Laura MacFeeley at 508-475-0032 or 800-242-0030. To register online, visit

The Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts, a private, non-profit organization, provides support to brain injury survivors and their families, offers programs to prevent brain injuries, and educates the public on the risks and impact of brain injury. The association advocates for funding for individuals with brain injury, supports legislation to prevent brain injuries, and collaborates on educational campaigns with state agencies and related associations.

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