State delivers $33 million check to AVRTHS


State Treasurer Steve Grossman signs the 'check' as state Rep Harold Naughton, Jr., D-Clinton, state Rep. Kate Hogan, D-Stow, Superintendent Mary Jo Nawrocki and School Committee and Building Committee Chair Lynn Ryan look on. (Photo/submitted)

State Treasurer Steve Grossman signs the 'check' as state Rep Harold Naughton, Jr., D-Clinton, state Rep. Kate Hogan, D-Stow, Superintendent Mary Jo Nawrocki and School Committee and Building Committee Chair Lynn Ryan look on. (Photo/submitted)

Marlborough – State Treasurer and Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) Chairman Steven Grossman and MSBA Executive Director Jack McCarthy were recently at Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School to deliver a check for $33.1 million, the state grant amount awarded to the school as partial reimbursement of a $62.4 million repair project.

Prior to signing the check facsimile,? Grossman commented, “We usually wait until the ribbon cutting to come out to the site, but, in this case, we were happy to deliver this check in person. There is no better institution in our area than this school. The superintendent [Mary Jo Nawrocki] and staff use all of their resources well, and there is no limit to what these students can achieve. They can go on to the workforce, the military, or college, and can do anything they choose because of the foundation they'se received here every single day.”

“Walking through the hallways at Assabet, one is rubbing elbows with the next generation of engineers, technicians, mechanics, carpenters, chefs, doctors and nurses. We are just so pleased that all of our communities have been so supportive of our school and our students. It's been a pleasure to work with their elected officials throughout this process, ” Nawrocki said.

The project is underway, and scheduled to take place over the next few years, using Design Partnership of Cambridge as the Architect and Strategic Building Solutions as the Owner's Project Manager.

The renovation process started after a Feasibility Study Phase with the MSBA, when it was agreed that necessary repairs to the roof, windows, HVAC systems, Life Safety Systems, the emergency generator, electrical panels and lighting, selected plumbing and fixtures, ADA access, and a modernization of some science labs, must be done soon, and by qualified outside contractors. In November 2011, the MSBA Board of Directors unanimously voted to provide $33.1 million in grant funds towards the expected $62.4 million dollar project, making the balance of the project far more affordable to the school's seven member communities (Berlin, Hudson, Maynard, Marlborough Northborough, Southborough, and Westborough).

The regional agreement specifies how the debt impact is to be apportioned among the communities, using an average three year enrollment, but all seven communities had to vote to approve the project before June 30, 2012 or the MSBA grant would have been withdrawn.

Nawrocki and Assistant Superintendent Patrick Collins, with other members of the school's Building Committee, visited member town meetings and City Council meetings throughout the winter and spring of 2012 to discuss the project, answer questions, and ask for support.

The Building Committee is comprised of Lynn Ryan, chairperson, Berlin, Valary Bradley, Berlin, Bob D”Amelio, Hudson, George Luoto, Hudson, Edward Clancy, Marlborough, Greg Lefter, Maynard, Jeff Amberson, Northborough, Steve Theran, Southborough, Tim Singleton, Westborough,? Nawrocki, Collins, and Mark Hollick, the school's principal.

The event was well attended by elected officials from the sending communities, and also included several local state officials, including state representatives Steven Levy, R-Marlborough,? Kate Hogan, D-Stow, and? Harold Naughton Jr., D-Clinton.

Assistant Superintendent Pat Collins, MSBA Executive Director Jack McCarthy, state Rep. Steven Levy, R-Marlborough, state Rep. Kate Hogan, D-Stow, state Rep. Harold Naughton, Jr., D-Clinton, Superintendent Mary Jo Nawrocki, School Committee and Building Committee Chair, Lynn Ryan, and State Treasurer Steven Grossman at the  million check presentation. (Photo/submitted)

Assistant Superintendent Pat Collins, MSBA Executive Director Jack McCarthy, state Rep. Steven Levy, R-Marlborough, state Rep. Kate Hogan, D-Stow, state Rep. Harold Naughton, Jr., D-Clinton, Superintendent Mary Jo Nawrocki, School Committee and Building Committee Chair, Lynn Ryan, and State Treasurer Steven Grossman at the $33 million check presentation. (Photo/submitted)

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