Rock around the fundraiser


M Rock around the fundraiser rsMarlborough – Gathered at the first “Rock Around the Clock Tonight Sock Hop,” held April 6 at the Marlborough Moose Lodge, are event committee members (back, l to r) Kelly Holbrook, Vikki Crowley, Pauline Smith, Marlene Calvao, Audrey Baker, (front, l to r) Joyce Mara and Jennifer Geary. Presented by the Sunflower Girls and the Hot Walkers, the rocking evening featured nostalgic tunes?provided by DJ Ricky, dancing, contests, a 50/50 raffle and a silent auction. Proceeds go to three cancer causes: Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure, Relay for Life and Just ‘Cause Breast Cancer 3-Day?Walk.

Photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.

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