Westborough – As part of its “Hot Summer Nights,” Westborough Youth and Family Services will host an Origami Night, Monday, July 15, from 6-8 p.m., at Forbes Municipal Building, 34 W. Main St., room 23. Annie Wales will teach participants to make animals, ornaments, and more with just a single sheet of paper. Pizza and soda will be served. $5. Register and pay by noon July 12.
Tie dying at the library will be held Wednesday, July 17, from 3-5 p.m., on the front lawn of the Westborough Public Library, 55 W. Main St. Bring an article of clothing and transform it into cool designs and new colors. Snacks, beverages, t-shirts and materials will be provided. $5. Register and pay by 5 p.m. July 16.
Xtreme Bowling with lights and music will be held Friday, July 19, from 7-9 p.m., at AMF Town and Country Bowling, 405 Boston Turnpike (Route 9), Shrewsbury. The $15 cost includes shoe rental, pizza, soda and two hours of bowling. Register and pay by 5 p.m. July 17.
Registration for all events is at the Youth and Family Services Office, Forbes Municipal Building, room 21.
HSN program booklets and registration forms are available at the Youth and Family Services Office, at the Westborough Library, and at the Town Hall. For more information or to download the registration form, visit www.town.westborough.ma.us/HSN.