WYFS Congratulates Recent Graduates of Babysitting Courses


Back Row (l to r): Rhea Balasubramanian, Tara Dupree, Paige Keeler, Mary McCormack, Ellen Lawrence, Carolyn McDermott, Jaqueline Colon, Instructor Betheda Shuman. Front Row (l to r): Hanjie Li, Audrey Didier, Allison Casten, Samantha Stucchi, Haley Thrush.

Back Row (l to r): Rhea Balasubramanian, Tara Dupree, Paige Keeler, Mary McCormack, Ellen Lawrence, Carolyn McDermott, Jaqueline Colon, Instructor Betheda Shuman. Front Row (l to r): Hanjie Li, Audrey Didier, Allison Casten, Samantha Stucchi, Haley Thrush.

Westborough – Westborough Youth & Family Services would like to congratulate the recent graduates of its American Red Cross Babysitting class. Red Cross certified instructor and WYFS counselor Betheda Shuman ran the nine-hour program during the week of July 15.?Babysitter trainees learned about a variety of topics including how to care for infants and children, be good role models, interview for jobs, solve problems and handle emergencies.

After completing the course, participants were invited to display their contact information on a bulletin board outside Room 21, second floor of the Forbes Municipal Building, 45 W. Main St., for anyone interested in hiring a certified babysitter.

The Youth & Family Services office runs the American Red Cross certified babysitting course four times a

Students perform CPR on their “babies.”<br />(Photos/submitted)

Students perform CPR on their “babies.”

year. The course costs $65 (scholarships available) and participants must be at least 11 years old and a Westborough resident. For more information or to be put on the list to receive information about the next course, call 508-366-3090 or email [email protected].


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