Marlborough Public Library use up 17 percent


Marlborough large web iconMarlborough – The number of items borrowed from the Marlborough Public Library increased by 17 percent or 35,000 items in FY2013, according to library staff. This includes books, DVDs, books on CD, and e-books from the library's growing collection. E-book use alone rose 65 percent – from 4,275 in FY2012 to 7,017 in FY2013. People with Kindles, Nooks and other portable devices are discovering the library's e-book collection in record numbers.

“Our staff has also been working hard to get outdated items off the shelf and replace them with new items. Their efforts have paid off,” Library Director Margaret Cardello said.

While people from neighboring towns use the library, 97 percent of the increase in circulation is attributed to Marlborough residents, who account for 90 percent of the Library's total circulation.

“More Marlborough residents are using the library every day,” Cardello said.

Program attendance is also on the rise, as children and families check out the redesigned children's room and teen programs, and use the new computers throughout the library.

The Marlborough Public Library is located at 35 W. Main St. Parking is available behind the library on Witherbee Street. For more information on its programs and services, contact 508-624-6900.

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