Fundraiser for lung transplant patient


Hudson – Hudson resident Jeff Chapman is still recovering from the lung transplant he received in December. The singer and bass player underwent two additional surgeries since then and is now in the process of trying to get back to a normal life.

According to his daughter Katie Milton, Chapman is currently taking 29 medications, including an anti-rejection medication, and is restricted in his physical activity.

“He is back to singing with his band,” she said. “The doctor said it is good exercise for his lungs.”

He performs locally with the band Flashback currently and is also a member of the Mason Tyler Trio.

To assist with the cost of medication and rehabilitation, Chapman's family will hold the second annual “Breathe Easier Knowing You Helped Jeff Chapman Beat Pulmonary Fibrosis” event Sunday, Oct. 6, from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Hudson Elks Pavilion, 99 Park St.

The event will feature a barbecue, entertainment, local vendors, raffles, and a silent auction. Tickets are $250 for a table of 10; $25 per person in advance; $30 at the door; and free for kids under 12. Donations are also accepted. For more information, visit, email [email protected] or call Kara at 508-485-5075.

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