Shrewsbury Scout achieves rank of Eagle


Shrewsbury Eagle Scout Christian Alexandrou. (Photo/submitted)
Shrewsbury Eagle Scout Christian Alexandrou. (Photo/submitted)

Shrewsbury/Worcester – In November, Christian C. Alexandrou, 18, of Worcester, was formally recognized as an Eagle Scout by Shrewsbury Boy Scout Troop 114, the highest rank of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).

To become an Eagle Scout, a Life Scout must have earned 21 merit badges throughout his scouting career, served actively in a position of responsibility within the troop, and have planned, developed and given leadership to an Eagle Scout Service Project that benefits a religious institution, a school, or the community.

Joining in 2001, Christian began his scouting career with Shrewsbury Cub Scout Pack 114.? He has been a member of Boy Scout Troop 114 since 2006, held the positions of Scribe, Chaplain's Aid, Patrol Leader, and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and earned 34 merit badges.

Christian's Eagle Scout Service Project involved the creation of a Veterans” Memorial Garden on the property of St. Spyridon's Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Worcester.

In 2010 he was inducted into the Order of the Arrow, the BSA's National Honor Society, and participated in National Youth Leadership Training.

A senior and honor roll student at Worcester Academy, Christian is president of the Newman Society community service club, a member of the Philosophical Films Club, and a four-year Varsity Cross Country runner. His church activities include serving as an altar boy, volunteering as a staff member during summer festivals and participating as an honorary member of St. Spyridon Veterans” Recognition Committee.

After high school, Christian will attend Loyola University Chicago as a Dean's Scholar majoring in political science on a pre-law track. Christian lives in Worcester with his parents, Dean Alexandrou and Dr. Diane Karalekas.

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