By Keith Regan, Community Reporter
Northborough — The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) has advanced 10 articles to the Annual Town Meeting warrant, including a $400,000 infusion to the town's conservation fund and $110,000 to improve outdoor basketball courts around town.
John Campbell, chair of the Community Preservation Committee, told the Board of Selectmen at its March 10 meeting that changes in state funding has meant additional resources for use on open space, recreation, affordable housing and historic preservation as the town marks its 10th anniversary as a Community Preservation Act (CPA) community.
The largest of this year's articles is a request to transfer $400,000 to the conservation fund, which the Conservation Commission can then deploy to preserve land without waiting for a town meeting vote.
“We believe opportunities will come up to preserve land that may be developed into housing,” Campbell said. The funds could be deployed in conjunction with a tri-town grant shared by Berlin, Boylston and Northborough to potentially preserve a larger parcel in all three communities, he added.
In addition to $110,000 being sought to fund work by the Northborough Youth Basketball Association for renovations to heavily used outdoor courts, another $100,000 in recreation funds would pay for work to the viewing platform at Memorial Field, including allowing for handicapped access.
Northborough will be holding its Annual Town Meeting Monday, April 28, starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Algonquin Regional High School auditorium, 79 Bartlett St.