Shrewsbury – Shrewsbury resident Anthony Michael Moriondo, 18, was recognized Dec. 29 at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor at the First Congregational Church for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Moriondo is 114th scout in Boy Scout Troop 114's 98-year history to achieve Eagle, Scouting's highest rank.
Moriondo's Scouting career began in 2003 with Shrewsbury Cub Scout Pack 114. He crossed over to Boy Scout Troop 114 in 2007. Both the Pack and the Troop are chartered by the First Congregational Church.
As a member of Troop 114, Moriondo earned 22 merit badges and held the positions of patrol quartermaster, troop quartermaster and assistant senior patrol leader. He was elected to the Order of the Arrow, Scouting's National Honor Society, in 2011. He attended Seabase High Adventure in the Florida Keys (2011) and Maine High Adventure in the Allagash Watershed (2012).
For his Eagle Scout service project, Moriondo helped Spring Street School revitalize its cafeteria by organizing the cleaning and repainting of 1,500 square feet of cafeteria wall space. Paint was provided by the Town of Shrewsbury's Building Department and supplies were donated by Home Depot of Shrewsbury. The planning, prepping, procurement and implementation required a total of 165 volunteer hours.
Moriondo, the son of Doug and Suzanne Moriondo of Shrewsbury, is a senior and honor roll student at Shrewsbury High School, where has participated in the National Honor Society, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Pep Band, Marching Band, Chess Club and Engineering Club. After graduation he plans to study chemistry at Stonehill College in Easton.