By Ed Karvoski Jr., Contributing Writer
Hudson – Memorial Day was observed May 26 in downtown Hudson with a parade led by the Hudson Police Color Guard. In addition to military vehicles, the parade featured representatives from the town's veterans” organizations and Scout troops. Music was provided by the marching bands of Hudson High and Quinn Middle schools. A ceremony followed at Liberty Park with speakers including state Rep. Kate Hogan, D-Stow, and Selectman Fred Lucy.
Keynote speaker Ed LaVache discussed his grandfather, Ron, a Navy veteran of the Korean War who passed away after attending last year's Veterans Day parade in Hudson. He was described by his grandson as “a true American hero.”
Photos/Ed Karvoski Jr.

Saluting as the American flag is risen are (l to r) Dick Bonazzoli, Army combat engineer veteran of the Korean War; Bill Higgins, Air Force veteran of the Korean War; and Steve Arsenault, Army combat medic veteran of the Vietnam War.

(l to r) Selectman Fred Lucy and state Rep. Kate Hogan listen to keynote speaker Ed LaVache discuss his grandfather, Ron, a Navy veteran of the Korean War who passed away after attending last year's Veterans Day parade in Hudson.

Saying the Pledge of Allegiance are Noah Ortgiesen, 12, of Boy Scout Troop 2; Brooke LaVache, 10, of Girl Scout Troop 75242; and Past Commander Joe Jacobs of American Legion Post 100.