Westborough – According to Westborough's Bike and Pedestrian Committee, the town is working hard to expand its bike and pedestrian trails for visitors and residents. The committee is in the early stages of obtaining easements that provide volunteer clearing and construction efforts to build and repurpose the sections of the Boston-Worcester Trolley Line for cyclists to use at their leisure as well as commute to/from work.
An expanded bike and pedestrian trail will provide non-auto commuting options for the business workforce and can be an attraction for businesses choosing to locate in Westborough. The League of American Bicyclists shows that communities that improve bicycle lanes or trails increased local spending, stimulating local businesses. Moreover, those customers shopping who arrived by bike spend more on a month-to-month basis than those who commute by car.
Building new bike and pedestrian trails involves multiple stakeholders – neighboring towns, local and regional nonprofits, and individual landowners. Currently, Westborough is looking to secure easements from property owners, who have thus far done so generously and voluntarily, along the Boston-Worcester Trolley Line. The Bike and Pedestrian Committee has spearheaded the project and can be reached at 508-366-3030.