Staff and students of the Marlborough Early Childhood Education Center honor outgoing director Rebecca Zieminski with murals and a rock for the peace garden that she founded. (Photo/submitted)
Marlborough – The staff of the Marlborough Early Childhood Education Center (ECC) said a fond farewell to Director Rebecca Zieminski June 20 in a place near and dear to her heart: the peace garden that she founded.
Zieminski, who has accepted a position in another district, met with her staff on the last day of school to say goodbye, thank them for their dedication to children, and accept their going-away present – her own rock for the peace garden.
She also thanked everyone for all of the bottle caps collected over the years. With the help of the Marlborough Senior Center members, parents and volunteers, the ECC collected more than 9,000 bottle caps of various shapes and colors that recently were used as art material in the ECC Peace Garden Mural Project.
The eight “frames” are from old playground pieces. The bottle caps provide the mural medium, and the finished, framed artwork spells out the word “Peace.”
“We spent the past couple of years collecting the bottle caps,” Zieminski said. “We'se used the caps in the classrooms, learning about colors, shapes, sizes. Then, for our last literacy event of the year, we made the mural.”
The mural pieces eventually will be weatherized for installation in the peace garden.