Willard House & Clock Museum to host concert


Blackstone Cúil

Blackstone Cúil

North Grafton -? ?The Willard House & Clock Museum, 11 Willard St., will be hosting a concert featuring Blackstone Cúil, Saturday, July 19 at 6 p.m. Special guests from Grafton's own Apple Tree Arts will be opening the show. Together they will fill the barn with music and provide for a memorable evening.

Blackstone Cúil is the musical culmination of many separate efforts on the part of its members, Mike Ladd – vocals and guitar, Myra MacLeod ?fiddle, and Johnny Guertin – percussion. The band combines folk sensibilities with a Celtic flavor to provide a musical experience that is unlike any other.

The museum grounds will open at 5 p.m. and guests are encouraged to bring picnic dinners and lawn chairs. ?Bottled water will be for sale.? The suggested donation is $5 per family.

For more information call 508-839-3500.

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