By Bonnie Adams, Managing Editor

( l to r): Maddie French, Dan Boucher, Hanna Spofford, and Meredith Wolpert remove flags from graves of deceased veterans.
Photo/Brent French
Westborough – On Nov. 15, a cold, brisk Saturday morning, a dozen Westborough High School (WHS) National Honor Society (NHS) members went to the town’s four cemeteries to remove American flags that had been placed on veterans graves. This annual ritual is usually done each year after Veterans Day by local veterans’ organizations but this year the NHS offered to do so as a way to show their respect and gratitude.
“We went to four different cemeteries and removed over 100 flags,” NHS President Meredith Wolpert said. “We filled up two car trunks with them.”
The flags will then be given to the town of Westborough Veterans Advisory Board who will ensure that they are disposed of properly.
NHS members participating included: seniors Brandon Damiano, Elizabeth Gallery, Sam Lehman, Gerad Sokol, Molly Stone, and Meredith Wolpert and juniors Dan Boucher, Maddie French, Rakasa Pattanaik, Juliet Ross, Hanna Spofford, and Michala Sokol.
On Saturday, Nov. 22, the NHS members, along with many of the school’s other students, will participate in another volunteer mission – the second annual Day of Thanksgiving.
“It is a day of community service where any WHS student, a member of NHS or not, can volunteer to help out around Westborough for the day,” Wolpert said. “We are helping run the [5k ] Turkey Trot, set up the holiday store at the library, organize middle school teachers’ rooms, and leaf rake for those who need it.”
Over 100 students had signed up for a task, she noted, double the amount that had participated last year.
“We’ve been working very hard to organize this day and we think it will be awesome,” she added. “It’s a great way to bring kids together to help out different members of the community.”