Dental Solutions of Northboro


Dr. Jasna Kun of Dental Solutions of Northboro<br />Photo/Nancy Brumback

Dr. Jasna Kun of Dental Solutions of Northboro
Photo/Nancy Brumback

By Nancy Brumback, Contributing Writer

Business name: Dental Solutions of Northboro

Address: 367 West Main St., Northborough

Owner: Dr. Jasna Kun

Contact information: 508-393-4777

How is the Dental Solutions practice set up?

“Our team has two general dentists and two specialists. One specialist is a periodontist, Dr. Alexander Schrott, who also does implants, and I am an endodontist and perform root canals. We also have three hygienists,” explained Dr. Jasna Kun. She started the practice in 2012, taking over from a retiring dentist.

The two general dentists are Dr. Dalia Jukneliene, a native of Lithuania, who earned a doctor of dental medicine degree from Boston University, and Dr. Sarat Ummethala, who graduated from the Loma Linda University School of Dental Medicine in southern California. Dr. Schrott completed dental training in his native Germany and also holds a degree from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Kun graduated from Boston University School of Dental Medicine.

You offer dental services for the whole family?

“Yes, we do family dentistry. We have great hygienists who are excellent with children. They all have children of their own. We also offer Six Month Smiles, clear braces as an alternative to braces.

“We’re open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with some Wednesday appointments available.

“We get a lot of compliments from patients who may not have seen a dentist for years. We spend a lot of time talking to them, answering their questions, addressing their anxieties,” Kun said.

The practice accepts most dental insurance plans.

While the professional staff trained at U.S. dental schools, their backgrounds give the practice the ability to interact with patients in several languages if necessary. Kun speaks Serbo-Croatian, the language of her childhood. Jukneliene, known as “Dr. Dalia,” speaks Lithuanian, Ummethala speaks the Hindi and Telugu Indian dialects, and Schrott speaks German.


When are implants recommended?

“Dr. Schrott performs a lot of our implants. If a tooth is not restorable due to cavities or fractures, the only option is to remove the tooth. Then the patient can choose replace that tooth with a bridge or an implant. Implants are much better because you don’t have to treat adjacent teeth. You don’t have to grind them down. You are just replacing the tooth that is extracted. Obviously, we try to save teeth that can be saved with a root canal and a crown, but if that’s not possible, we have options to offer the patient.

“Implants are a permanent solution. They have a high-90 percent success rate that they will last the rest of a person’s life. And implants look much better than a bridge.”


When do people need a root canal?

“The root canal is needed if a patient has pain because of a deep cavity or if a nerve gets exposed,” said Kun, who specializes in root canals. “If a nerve is exposed, you have only two options: to remove the tooth or to have a root canal. A root canal may also be needed if a patient has a small crack from grinding the teeth together.

“In trauma cases, if someone falls and breaks a tooth or if a child is hit in the mouth during sports, the nerve may become exposed and then the patient will need a root canal.

“A root canal is painless; sometimes my patients fall asleep. They are not going to feel anything,” she said, adding she now has a microscope with eyepieces that she uses during these procedures to make it easier to work on hard-to-see locations.

Editor’s Note: The preceding is not an endorsement and is presented for informational purposes only.















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