Runners turn into the driveway of Trottier Middle School and toward the finish line.
By Ed Karvoski Jr., Contributing Writer
Southborough – Hundreds of runners and walkers worked up a Thanksgiving appetite Nov. 27 by participating in the eighth annual Gobble Wobble 5K Road Race and Two-Mile Walk, beginning and ending at Trottier Middle School. Despite recovering from a snowstorm that morning, most of the 1,172 supporters who registered did participate. Only the Kids Fun Run was canceled.
State Rep. Carolyn Dykema, D-Holliston, announced the winners in several age divisions. Jonathan Joyce of Hull finished first overall in 16:10. Marie Davenport of Guilford, Conn., was the first-place female in 17:26.
Cash prizes totaling $1,200 went to the top three male and female runners. New this year, each finisher received a commemorative medal.
The event is a fundraiser for the Friends of Southborough Recreation.
Photos/Ed Karvoski Jr.