By Ed Karvoski Jr., Contributing Writer
Region – Two women who have made their mark within the local literary community will share their expertise on a broader scale with 45 Magazine (45 Mag), a bi-annual online and print journal.
Its editor-in-chief is Zorina Frey, founder of the Literary Arts Open Mic, which has been running for over two years at Tatnuck Bookseller, Gift Gallery and Café in Westborough. When she moved last October from Westborough to Florida, the open mic’s host became Jan Krause Greene, an author and storyteller from Marlborough.
Now, Krause Greene is also on the 45 Mag editorial staff. Frey is pleased with their collaboration.
“Jan and I have the same vision,” Frey said. “She has her own background in the women’s movement with a different generational perspective.”
Frey’s inspiration to create 45 Mag is the Michiana Monologues, a production crafted from women’s stories. She participated in the Michiana Monologues in various capacities after graduating from Indiana University South Bend with a bachelor’s degree in mass communications.
“I was going through personal challenges and I was able to tell my story anonymously through the Michiana Monologues without being exposed,” she said. “I personally know the power of telling a story. I guarantee that just writing it down will start the healing process.”
She believes it was particularly beneficial to share her story among other women.
“Having it be just women’s stories creates a type of safe haven,” she said. “Women are able to be very candid about certain subjects that they might not otherwise be comfortable telling.”
Likewise, 45 Mag invites women to anonymously submit personal stories.
“Readers will have the comfort and security of sharing personal stories anonymously, making the content candid, edgy and most likely more relatable,” Frey explained.
In addition to personal stories, she plans for 45 Mag’s content to include editorials, book reviews, tips on various topics, and coverage of national events.
“Personal stories will be published anonymously; creative writing, such as short stories and poetry, will get full credit if they submit their name,” she noted.
Frey stressed that the submissions needn’t be from professional writers.
“You do not have to be skilled in the word; we have a team of editors who can comb through all that,” she said. “That’s what makes 45 Mag all the more attractive and enticing; we’re talking about regular people. We want their stories.”
She’s also encouraging submissions of original artwork – regardless of the artists’ gender.
“Original artwork does not necessarily have to be from women artists,” she said. “This is a women’s magazine, but if the art is complimentary to feminism, then we want it from men, too.”
In time, male writers might also be able to submit stories, Frey added.
“Eventually, I’d like to squeeze in a page for men to tell their stories,” she said. “I think I’m speaking for most women when I say that we are pretty curious as to what men have to say as well.”
Frey was biblically inspired to name the literary journal after Psalm 45: “My heart is stirred by a noble theme? My tongue is the pen of a skilled writer.”
“Being a spoken-word artist and poet, that’s always been my favorite verse in the Bible,” she said.
The first issue of 45 Mag is slated to be released in October. Deadline for submission is Monday, June 15. Print copies of 45 Mag will be distributed to independent bookstores, small businesses, colleges and universities, contributors and subscribers.
Contributors will retain full rights to their writings or artwork, Frey noted. To submit writings or artwork, contact Frey at [email protected] or visit

Zorina Frey recites her poetry at the Literary Arts Open Mic at Tatnuck Bookseller in Westborough. She founded and still produces the open mic, now with Jan Krause Greene of Marlborough as host.
File photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.