By Nance Ebert, Contributing Writer
Marlborough – In spite of the recent snowstorms and cold temperatures, 1LT Charles W. Whitcomb Middle School was filled with students, parents and members of the community for their Whitcomb Winter Wellness Fair Feb. 4.
There were over 25 vendors set up throughout the building with displays, wellness-related information, demonstrations, samples, skin screenings, informational handouts and more.
“This is a really exciting event where we wanted people to look forward to coming out to the school in spite of the harsh winter weather,” said PTO President Deb McCarthy. “We are hoping to raise funds to purchase things for the school, teachers and books for the kids. We also hope to pay for future author events and other enrichment for the students.”
There was a small entrance fee along with an opportunity to purchase raffle tickets, healthy snacks, spirit wear and more. One of the more popular snack items was a fruit smoothie, made with strawberries, banana, vanilla yogurt and almond milk. It was served with a paper umbrella.
New England Martial Arts had several students giving demonstrations. GravOxyFitness was a popular destination for many of the students who were able to try the bellicon rebounder, a bungee suspension system similar to a trampoline. Joanne Schmalenberger from Beyond Fitness in Natick is helping to certify schools all over the country and bringing programs using the rebounder to as many as possible.
“We do summer camps, events, enrichment programs and more. We travel with our equipment to your event, fundraiser or kids’ parties. These rebounders balance kids’ energy and work every cell of the body simultaneously. No other exercise does that,” Schmalenberger said.
Some of the other demonstrations included youth strength training and Zumba by Wayside Racquet and Swim Club, fencing by Cross Roads Fencing Center, soccer by ForeKicks, and other activities by Marlborough Fitness and Martial Arts and 19 Sports.
Many of the vendor tables included free company pens, bags, skin screenings and posture analysis and spinal screening by Brooke Stillwell Chiropractic.
Juice Plus had a table covered with informational pamphlets as well as a tower garden filled with some herbs and food samples to try.
“We were really looking for a way to raise money and generate enthusiasm in the middle school population,” said Lee Williams, PTO vice president. “This was a great way to get everyone involved in this community-wide event. Health and wellness is a good thing for young and old alike. With the terrific turnout, it definitely appears to have been a successful evening and we are grateful to all who helped make this possible.”
Photos/Nance Ebert