Local students awarded scholastic awards from Corridor Nine Chamber of Commerce


Recipients of the Corridor Nine Chamber of Commerce 2015 Scholastic Awards

Recipients of the Corridor Nine Chamber of Commerce 2015 Scholastic Awards

Region – At the March 24th membership breakfast sponsored by Clinton Savings Bank, the Corridor Nine Area Chamber of Commerce honored its 2015 Scholastic and “Champion of Education” award recipients with over 165 members and guests in attendance at the Doubletree Hotel in Westborough. Corridor Nine awarded $11,500 total in scholastic awards to 12 graduating high school seniors. The awards were granted on the basis of scholastic achievement, community and school involvement, work experience, financial need, appearance of application and an interview.

The following students received awards: Irene Benites, Elizabeth Gallary, Rebecca Piscia, Jeffrey Rawson, Gerad Sockol, Morgan Thibault and Nicholas Wright, all from Westborough High School; Alexandra Koizel, Megan Walsh, and Elizabeth Wig from Algonquin Regional High School; and Hannah Eckstrom and Hilary Wong from Shrewsbury High School.

Corridor Nine also presented “Champions of Education” awards to four members of the School/Business Partnership Committee for their exemplary leadership in supporting

Champions of Education” award winners. (Photos/Ron Bouley Photography)

Champions of Education” award winners. (Photos/Ron Bouley Photography)

education with their time, talent and financial resources. Those recipients were Russell P. Mangsen, Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School, for Outstanding Volunteer Service; Lynn Stromberg, Lettuce Be Local, Business Award; Patricia Montimurro, Robert E. Melican Middle School, Lifetime Achievement Award; and Margaret Donohoe, Fannie E. Proctor School, Lifetime Achievement Award.

In addition, 105 Chamber members were recognized with “Honorable Mentions” for their significant contributions to schools by providing financial support, volunteer service, business expertise or donated materials and equipment.

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