Westborough High School students place American flags next to headstones of local veterans. (Photo/submitted)
Westborough – In honor of Memorial Day, Westborough High School (WHS) National Honor Society (NHS) and Student Council members volunteered recently to place American flags next to headstones of local veterans.
This annual ritual is usually done by veterans, and this year, under the leadership of NHS President Meredith Wolpert, students worked side by side with Westborough Veterans Advisory Board members Brent French, Paul Freeman and Charlie Naples. Together, they placed over 1,400 flags in town cemeteries. In addition, flags were placed in the cemetery adjacent to the Forbes Municipal Building by the chair of the Trustees of the Soldiers’ Memorials, Tom Dwyer.
WHS participants included Natalie Baillargeon, Ashley Butler, Sara Goodman, Thomas Jacob, Kevin Lai, Sam Lehman, Audrey Von Maszewski, Val Meleshkevich, Mitin Nachu, Meghan O’Keefe, Alexandra Romano, Meredith Wolpert, Quinton Wong, Simon Wong and William Zhang.